WHALES OF THE FALKLAND ISLANDS was an absolute pleasure to work on - filming days were spent zooming around the coastal waters of the islands on a small RIB, encountering dolphins, seals, albatross, and of course the fabulous whales which the film is based around. Days were occasionally wet, cold, and bumpy, but overall it was an experience that I wouldn't change at all. The edit went fairly smoothly - although I only had one useable audio recording of a whale blow so I dread to think how many times that clip has been used throughout! Learning more and more about these whales was amazing, and made me all the more appreciative of the opportunity that we have here in the Falklands to see these creatures around the coasts. It also really solidified just how important it is to provide a safe haven for these whales, to understand why they're here in the islands, and to do all that we can to safeguard their futures.
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I was finally able to put together some of the clips that I filmed on the absolutely stunning North Island, as part of a Falklands Conservation project in 2019. It was a delight to revisit these clips, to relive the amazing sounds of the albatross colony, and to recall the treacherous climb we made up the steep tussac-covered slopes, past snoozing sea lions and nesting caracaras.
The video starts with an opening from FC CEO Esther, letting the organisation's supporters know a little more about just what their support means to FC, and what work it is allowing us to continue. The video showcases North Island, before turning attention to sites that are less well-off and need more hands on conservation action.
The Falkland Islands are a nation of just 3000 people, with over 80% of those living in the capital, Stanley. All young children in town must attend the Infant and Junior School, but for the remaining rural population there is a system of small schools dotted around the country. With some settlements having just one or two children, mixed-age classes are the norm, and the teachers and the system must be flexible and adaptable to meet the many opportunities and challenges that this rural education faces.
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